Thursday, October 1, 2015

An Unfair Advantage

Throughout the article “Anabolic Steroids and Sports:Winning at any cost” written by the Department of Health of the state of New York, they talk about how the use of steroids affect the overall well being of athletes who use steroids.  Along with all of the effects of steroids it talks about why some athletes choose to take use performance enhancing drugs.  It’s not just professionals that take steroids too, more and more younger athletes are starting to use steroids.

Along with professional athletes trying to get an advantage on the game, people as young as high schoolers are using steroids to get ahead of the game.  According to fox news over five to twelve percent of high schoolers use steroids to get bigger.  These are just the reported case.  High schools are not required to test their students so many are using and not getting caught.

On a more professional level people are using steroids all the time.  In the same fox news article it states that at some point in time over 34% of semi pro baseball players have used steroids.  I can understand why people in the minors would use, however it is stupid because you are going to get caught and it is bad for your health.

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