Friday, October 9, 2015

How did Injuries Effected Professional Athletes?


Professional athletes seem to have it all at the time. They have all the money, fame, and girls in the world but at the end of the day they really have to ask themselves, was it really worth it? According to an article from the Washington Post a former offensive lineman, Pete Kendall states, “I can’t run anymore,” he then goes on to say that, “I can’t play basketball with my kids, can’t walk for any extended distance.” This definitely makes people realize the effects that playing a professional sport does to you. You have to wonder that if Kendall could go back would he change his path in life, and just play in college and get a degree so he can be effective in the work force? I can only imagine what he is going through. I play high school football and am banged up after every practice and cannot even walk sometimes. I wonder what he feels like playing with the biggest and strongest guys in the world on a daily basis.
All that being said, apparently most NFL players would not have changed a thing during their time in the league. According to the same article in the Washington Post a study shows that 93% of players with 0 to 2 major injuries are happy with their playing days, 91% of players with 3 to 4 major injures are satisfied with their playing days, and finally 85% of players with 5 or more injuries would not change a thing. This goes to show that athletes are affected by injuries, but playing at the highest level with 50,000+ people watching over you every week overrides it for most athletes.
Next Blog: How athletes in non-contact sports are still affected?


  1. Have you considered thinking about the effect that these injuries have on players who are younger but their careers are ended by injuries. They're entire life has been devoted to playing this sport and after they can't play anymore what exactly do they do? Many of them focused on athletics more than education so they could have a tough time after their playing days are over.

  2. I am doing a similar topic as you and I have also found that athletes who suffer injuries still want to come back and play after they recover. Also, that once they retire they say they have enjoyed the professional sports day and would not have changed a thing.
