Let’s start by talking about the physical effects of music on the brain. It’s no surprise that changes in your mood are caused by little chemicals in our brains called hormones. But did you know that music can cause you to secrete them? In an article by MARVELOUS, the author points out that upbeat tunes, as well as calm, soothing ones “foster the release of serotonin, a hormone that fosters happiness and a general sense of well-being. It also flushes the body with dopamine, a neurotransmitter that makes you feel good.” Music also paves the way for “the release of norepinephrine, a hormone that brings about euphoria and elation” because soothing songs help release tension in your body. Once your body experiences the physiologic changes, your stress levels including rapid heart rate and cortisol levels tend to decrease.
Blasting your favorite tunes can not only help you immediately, both physiologically and hormonally, but it changes you long-term. Positive music can help alter your perspective in life, especially if you’ve got that one feel-good song stuck in your head all day long. A study conducted at the University of Groningen found that “that people enjoy a ‘happier’ perception when they listen to lively music.” So physically and emotionally, music can help steer you in a more positive, healthy direction altogether.
In my next post, I plan to discuss the emotional effects that music has on us, and how it ties into the physical aspect.
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