Friday, September 18, 2015

Leaders? What About Them?


  • Briefly explain why you are interested in studying your topic:
  •  This topic interests me as many leaders that we see nowadays managed to achieve what they have today by making various decisions that sometimes seemed to be “weird” or inappropriate for that time period. However, those decisions helped them become what they are today and, therefore, receive a lot of success. It is very important to “investigate” what those people did and still do that helped them achieve what others can only dream of. The researching of qualities, factors and influences that matter the most will eventually lead to an answer to the initial question and, therefore, provide a “light” that will make it clear why some personas are able to receive more than others and what those people that stand “below” should do to become more successful in their future-to-be leadership careers.

  • The overall question I plan on answering by the end of the project:
  • What allows for leaders to be successful?

  • Sub questions I will need to answer in order to answer the overall question:
  1. What are the qualities of the most successful leaders we have nowadays?
  2. What are the situations that helped some of the most popular leaders to start off their path to success?
  3. What are the factors that could influence the person and make him a better leader?
  4. What methods do leaders use in order to be more productive, reach better results and, therefore, be more successful?
  5. Does the country the person lives in influence the level of success he or she can have as a leader?
  6. Does the age of the person influence the amount of success he or she will have as a leader?
  • My plan of research (what specific Library Databases, specific websites, names of authors, people, etc. will I pursue to find the answers to the questions above):

  1. Global Issues In Context: leaders success

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