Friday, September 18, 2015

How can a computer programmer improve other people’s lives?

  • Briefly explain why you are interested in studying your topic:  
             It’s can help to communication, and improve technology in any field from war to school.
  • The overall question I plan on answering by the end of the project:
             How can a computer programmer improve other people’s lives?
  • Sub questions I will need to answer in order to answer the overall question:
             How can I set up that technology, how much cost it will take?
  • My plan of research (what specific Library Databases, specific websites, names of authors, people, etc. will I pursue to find the answers to the questions above):
                      A world without internet, What happened if there is no internet at all, no communication each-other with internet or any radio connection. What if there is no internet in school, how did u check out teacher’s website or login school computer, other blogs for study. How did u learn something new, how you will solve problem with study at home? In war enemy destroys satellite that help to connect our internet and keep touch soldiers with radio connection. Without internet life will be too hard for human. In our country first most important thing to run our country is patrol(GAS) without it our country will stop at it is. And second thing is internet.
                     So i want to program technology that provide internet in any where, any situation a No one can destroy it. My basic idea is to don’t make all connection depends on one satellite. Make it all over so if there is problem with one you can run another, any time. This link saw that how internet everywhere will work in all situations.  

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