Friday, September 18, 2015

Picking the Right Music

  • Briefly explain why you are interested in studying your topic:  
    • I picked this topic because I like listening to music that a lot of people like and I want to know how the record labels know how to pick the right artists in order to make the most money.

  • The overall question I plan on answering by the end of the project:
    • How do record labels determine which type of music and what type of artists to sign in order to make the most profit?

  • Sub questions I will need to answer in order to answer the overall question:
    • What types of music are the most popular with different age groups?
    • Who are the most popular artists and what type of music do they perform?
    • How much money do these record labels make on average from these top artists?
    • Are there a lot of upcoming artists being signed by different age groups?

  • My plan of research (what specific Library Databases, specific websites, names of authors, people, etc. will I pursue to find the answers to the questions above):
    • ProQuest

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